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World Child Cancer

5% of the sales from these blends will benefit the charity

We build and fund partnerships which link together hospitals in the developed world with childhood cancer units in developing countries. What makes these partnerships possible is that many of the world's leading hospitals, doctors and nurses give their time for free – training healthcare professionals around the world where they are needed most. This voluntary medical aid enables us to fund vital services and tools to ensure children and their families receive the support they need.

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by Jeannie Hur...
Score: 98
earl grey moonlight, white blueberry, white peach
by Eray E
peach, white chai, kukicha
Hopper's Blend
by Emily G
Score: 90
irish breakfast, cream
Comforting Wings
by Rebecca Col...
chamomile, rooibos jasmine, honeybush
Sumreen Tea
by Jese Lynn
white pear, fruit medley, wild strawberry
by Chiara astr...
assam melody, pu-erh dante, lemon soleil
Earl creamla
by Cole Stolze...
earl grey moonlight, cream, vanilla
House special
by Abigail Ken...
strawberry, white strawberry
by Chiara astr...
ginger, peach oolong, snowbud
by Chiara astr...
earl grey bravo, gingerbread
by Elmira Nadi...
apricot, white blueberry, white peach
Bobby the ice glacier
by Jillian Ca...
rooibos vanilla chai, citrus mint green, candy cane