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The Lace Museum

5% of the sales from these blends will benefit the charity

The Lace Museum, founded in 1976 and incorporated in 1981 as a non-profit organization, is staffed entirely by volunteers. Its mission is to preserve lace, lacemaking tools and references, to exhibit lace and its historical use, and to offer education and research in all facets of lacemaking.

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Youghal Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
irish breakfast
Bucks Point Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
earl grey lavender, coconut
Duchesse Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
chocolate, vanilla, hazelnut
Chantilly Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
caramel, lemon soleil, gingerbread
Honiton Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
peach, decaf orange
Point de Gaz Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
vanilla, summer rose
Teneriffe Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
grapefruit, wild strawberry
Orvieto Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
gunpowder, vanilla green, peppermint
Milanese Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
pu-erh dante, cinnamon, blueberry
by The lace mu...
Score: 95
decaf peach, decaf orange
Bedfordshire Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
earl grey green, vanilla green
Gros Point de Venise Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
rooibos caramel, rooibos cinnamon apple
Abruzzo Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
mambo, cranberry
Chrysanthemum Lace
by The lace mu...
Score: 99
spiced green, cherry green, vanilla green