Magic Potions by Robert Pirlot

Harry Potter
If your a fan of the Harry Potter Books/Movies series then these are the teas are for you. If your adventurous then there's a tea here for you. Each tea is based on a potions or drinks that was in the series. Be careful some potions are very unique.

by Robert Pirlot
Score: 95
caramel, cream, vanilla
Felix Felicis
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 95
rooibos caramel, rooibos almond, honeybush hazelnut
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 94
chocolate chai, rooibos vanilla chai, thai chai
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 96
raspberry, chocolate chip, hazelnut
Pumpkin Fizz
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 93
caramel, vanilla, pumpkin spice
Draught of Peace
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 96
cream, vanilla, apricot
Elixir of Life
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 96
strawberry, vanilla, hazelnut
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 96
chocolate chip, peppermint, spearmint
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 95
coconut, blueberry, honeybush vanilla
Treacle Tart
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 96
caramel, cream, rooibos caramel
Mandrake Restorative Draught
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 96
rooibos vanilla chai, ginseng green, honeybush vanilla
Grudyroot Tea
by Robert Pirlot
Score: 89
kukicha, apricot green, honeybush hazelnut