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ooooh darjeeling

based on 1069 reviews
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makes 5 cups
1.5oz (43 gr)
60¢ per cup
8oz (227 gr)
39¢ per cup
15 full leaf pyramids
Ooooh Darjeeling is a rare oolong tea from Darjeeling, India, where it is fairly uncommon to produce anything other than black tea. However, the growers of Singbulli Estate have produced this exquisite exception. Complex muscat grape and apricot pit aroma (also a characteristic of fine Darjeeling black teas, interestingly), tangy dried fruit flavor and deep floral notes that linger like any great oolong should are reminiscent of Oriental Beauty oolong. This Darjeeling oolong is a must-try for anyone seeking to learn more about tea on a deeper level: this is an exercise in the taste of 'terroir', the place where the tea is grown.

Oolong Tea | Moderate caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3-4 mins
Tea Timer

Customer Reviews (1069)


Our teabags contain the same high-quality tea as our loose-tea offerings. Their pyramid shape gives the leaves plenty of room to unfurl and infuse, placing more flavor in each cup. Enjoy the superior flavor of gourmet tea with the convenience of a disposable bag.
15 full leaf pyramids


The passion for Chinese tea of the 19th century British Empire nearly depleted its coffers so Queen Victoria tasked botanists to find and transfer the Chinese jat to its own colony, India. After many desperate attempts, by Robert Fortune and others, planted tea successfully in Darjeeling’s hill country and has since produced nearly two centuries tea with apricot fruitiness, clear liquor, and light astringency. Singbulli Estate has succeeded in designing an effective oxidation process to produce an oolong, preserving the decidedly Darjeeling character in its elegant autumnal gold/green/brown leaves. A divine afternoon tea is the result.

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