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wuyi ensemble

based on 747 reviews
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makes 5 cups
1.5oz (43 gr)
60¢ per cup
8oz (227 gr)
39¢ per cup
12 single-serve
15 full leaf pyramids
Wuyi Ensemble, known as Da Hong Pao or Wuyi rock tea, is a roasted oolong tea from the Wuyi mountains in Fujian province, China. The high fire treatment gives Wuyi oolong its specific smoky and minerally character. This is a beautifully balanced and complex tea with a deep, yet faint, ripe fruitiness in the background. The flavor is slightly honey-floral and nutty, with hints of white sesame, cinnamon, and sweetened burdock root. There is a lingering sweet caramel aftertaste due to the high fire roasting technique. Wuyi Ensemble oolong is warming and satisfying. Being a good digestive tea it goes well with food or sweets. It is perfect for multiple infusions so you can tease out many layers of intriguing flavor.

Oolong Tea | Moderate caffeine | Steep at 195° for 3-5 mins
Tea Timer

Customer Reviews (747)


Our teabags contain the same high-quality tea as our loose-tea offerings. Their pyramid shape gives the leaves plenty of room to unfurl and infuse, placing more flavor in each cup. Enjoy the superior flavor of gourmet tea with the convenience of a disposable bag.
15 full leaf pyramids

Fresh Portions

tea portions pouch
wuyi ensemble
Simplify your preparation of loose tea with our "portion" packets. Each holds the right amount of leaves for one serving to enjoy at home, work or on the go. Simply rip, pour and steep, with nothing to measure or clean. Includes 12 servings.
12 single-serve


Up among the Wuyi Mountains, blanketed with eternal clouds, there grows a tea along the jagged peaks despite the gaps where no roots seem welcomed. Absorbing the mineral rock taste, the tea is dried in the sun and finished by baking to become an elixir of great complexity, at once sweet like honeyed peaches, soft like vegetables roasted to caramelization, yet with a finish of minerality, of stone. A tribute-level oolong of unsurpassed depth, Wuyi Ensemble is an oolong to reckon with, to hoard for special guests, or to greet the dawn of day, brewed just for you.

Part of oolong teas of China sampler

sampler set
Explore a variety of teas with our popular sampler set. Four teas included are: dancong aria, formosa bai hao, ti kuan yin, wuyi ensemble
oolong teas of China
will make 26 cups

Questions and Answers

Ask a question about wuyi ensemble and have the Adagio Teas community offer feedback.

How smoky is it? Are we talking Lapsang Souchong(campfire) level, or more along the lines of gunpowder green, or sleeping dragon?
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Asked by Chad Thompson
on May 21st, 2019

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