Happy to go over
raw honey crystallization! Unlike the pasteurized honey sold in stores, raw honey will crystallize over time. This is a sign of true raw honey!
To return it to a liquid state, simply heat the honey gently and stir.
raw honey does not expire and can be stored at room temperature. In colder weather, it will solidify, and in warmer weather, it may crystallize.
Crystallization may also naturally happen over time. Warming up the honey gently will amend both texture changes.
These changes have no effect on honey's taste or shelf life. It only alters its texture. Warming up the honey gently will make the honey smooth and spreadable once more.
Honey is thick and sticky, so getting it to flow through a new pump takes a bit of effort. The first few pumps may not yield any honey, but we assure you that the pump works well once primed.
To prime it, please depress the pump with force until you see the first batch of honey emerge from the spout. No further priming will be required. The pump will yield a delicious dose of honey with each successive push.
Please follow these instructions to enjoy delicious raw honey.
Looking to add a new
spice, flower, or herb to your daily routine? We've got plenty that may delight you and are good for you, too!
We do always recommend referring to a healthcare practitioner before using herbs and spices, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.
spices, flowers, and herbs are easy to store, provided you observe a few simple precautions. The first is to keep it dry. The second is to keep it in it's packaging and closed. Lastly, keep it out of direct sunlight, and its damaging UV rays.
Please carefully close the zippers atop the pouches or lids on jars to ensure that the last pinch is as fresh as the first. Should you prefer others means of storage, we recommend either
metal canisters or glass jars. Both offer an air-tight seal to keep tea dry and insulated.